Friday, December 6, 2019

Common Business Communication Problem

Question: Discuss about theCommon Business Communication Problem. Answer: Introduction: In current rapidly expanding business environment companies need to expand their business abroad. Thus establishing effective communication with people belonging to different cultures is a challenge (Jenifer Raman, 2015). There is rising competition amongst the business sectors because of technological, economical as well as informational environment along with globalization. Project teams are created in organizations worldwide that acts as tool for performance in order to conduct complex processes as well as it permits the organizations to develop new strategies (Eunson, 2015). Organizations need to develop collaboration at various levels in such a manner that it allows rapid as well as practical use of accumulated potential, while consolidating the available resources and to utilise these resources in purposeful manner so that common goals can be implemented. It will also help in achievement of cooperation amongst project teams that will finally help in staying ahead in competitiv e struggle globally. This report analyses the common communication issues that the businesses face while expanding globally. Literature Review Collaboration Amongst Project Teams The process of collaboration was being developed almost 50 years back (Raisiene, 2007 ; Puskorius, 2006) and many contexts of collaboration were being learnt. To guide the development of collaboration models were being proposed (Montiel-Overall, 2004). Collaboration has also been called as a social process and its success depends upon efficiency, satisfaction as well as effectiveness that finally results through the help of process participants as well as due to lack of communication knowledge and in many cases lack of motivation can also become a kind of interference (Bruce Ricketts, 2008). There are basically four stages involved in the process of collaboration which are: Negotiating environment Creating environment of interests Implementation of outcomes Evaluation of the results The common problems amongst the collaborating teams need to be characterised , then a consensus needs to be reached as solutions for the common issues , then the parts need to be identified that are interested and their groups are being created , legitimacy of other participants need to be acknowledged and finally choosing or electing the member finally liable for inviting all the parties for general meeting are some of the common issues that occur during the negotiating environment stage. Various parts of interests are being identified during the environment of interest stage and also how all these interest differ from each other is also being found. Thus the agendas are set, main rules are created, strategy are established at this stage. During the implementation stage the interested parts start communicating and a particular structure that helps in implementation of collaboration is determined. The agreements are being controlled as well as guaranteed and at the last stage of the process of collaboration the results are analysed as well as evaluated. Issues Related to Emotional Intelligence Intelligence is basically connected with the capability to resolve logical issues and it is mainly measured with the help of standard IQ (Intelligence Quotients) tests (Suliman Al-Shiakh, 2007). In past few decades there have several models of intelligence that have emerged and are over and above the pure logical views. For example as proposed by Fleetham (2014) and Jie-Qi et al ( 2009) , there are several kinds of multiple intelligence that consists of logical mathematical intelligence , linguistics intelligence, spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, spiritual existential intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily- kinaesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and natural intelligence (Eunson, 2015). Emotional intelligence (EI) is thus called as an indispensible set of abilities as well as skills that have immediate as well as practical layoffs IQ gets you hired, but EQ (Emotional Intelligence) gets you promoted(Kapesser, 2009) . But there is very limited evidence that too either impressionistic or anecdotal that ahs weaker statistical clout (Zeidner, Matthews Roberts 2009; p.32). Still the tests conducted on emotional intelligence are at just the basic level and much more research and studies are needed to come up with some concrete concepts (Conte Dean, 2006) . It is contradictory as some suggest that emotional intelligence is totally a western driven concept related to western culture , while some say that it is a universal concept (Leung, 2005 ; Suliman Al-Shiakh, 2007) . While some scholars have even put allegations that EI although in its nascent stage and is immature , but has been prematurely been adopted in the form of just another management fad(Hogan Stokes, 2006) . Some issues also arise in the fundamental ideas like whether alignment as well as commitment towards organizational goals or to the groups is a desirable / wise behaviour or not? However the same kind of knowledge can also be used to manipulate the ends or for unethical purposes. What is being argued as the learning as well as manipulation issue is also known as dark EI (Alexander, 2011) . Although there are so many issues associated with EI then too it has immense things to offer. It gives us the reference in which we can describe the transferable, soft , interpersonal as well as communication skills , that are visualised as the key for attaining both personal as well as employment success , which also reinforces the point that with the help of soft skills one can get hard payoffs. This is the reason why emotional intelligence is very much prized and given much importance by the employers . It is considered to be very important as well as lifelong skill which can be beneficial for the organizations as well as employees in various contexts. Cross-Cultural Communication Issues Working in varied multicultural teams has several conflicts, disagreements as well as challenges attached with it that organizations have to deal . These issues along with conflicts impact the performance of the individuals as well as the organization to certain extent. The firms having multicultural internal environment always look for solutions so as to bring out some clarity in relation to communication . This communication should be effective so that the conflicts and various disagreements can be avoided in order to achieve the desired business objectives. Along with that the means for handling and overcoming these barriers should be identifying so that cross cultural communication can be made in effective manner (Jenifer Raman, 2015). In a multicultural environment misunderstanding is the topmost challenge for communication. This is most commonly found amongst the people that belong to different cultural backgrounds and they also have varying beliefs as well as values(Vashishta Balaji, 2013). The rules that are culturally defined to find out the appropriate as well as acceptable behaviour of an individual are known as norms and each and every culture has its specific norms as well as acceptable behaviour and the people who work in multicultural work environment are unable to understand the varied norms of other culture and thus fail to act accordingly. In the same way the beliefs as well as values are different from one person to another one and in case of globalised business world the beliefs and values of every person mainly rely on that persons culture. IN order to communicate in effective manner the person should be well aware of the prevailing cross cultural beliefs as well as values (Vashishta Balaji, 2013). Stereotyping is another major issue that occurs in cross cultural environment where cultural stereotypes either over generalise or exaggerate the perceptions about people which results in more anxiety . Due to fear of any group or because of lack of proper knowledge about the group general stereotypes are created . Such kind of stereotypes are the main reason that result in difference in opinions regarding the opposite culture and it also results in miscommunication in work environments. Multicultural teams also face large number of issues because of ethnocentrism as well. Feeling that ones own cultural is quite distinct leads to ethnocentrism . Ethnocentrism also results in enhanced levels of anxiety and in workplace environment ethnocentrism is found to be directly related to the levels of anxiety (Jenifer Raman, 2015). Conclusion The organizations need to constantly analyse their competitors actions and find out better and new niche markets. Thus the organizations need to successfully adapt to the changing business environment as well as change themselves, so that they can fit to themselves as per the market needs. As stated by philosophers, the concept of collaboration can be defined as relationship between two or more than two parties working towards achievement of common goals and it is more or less similar to team work. Emotional Intelligence can be defined as the basic underlying capacity of any individual that helps that person to recognise as well as use emotions in order to better communicate with each other. Rather much broader as well as ethical questions should be developed in order to expect the entire concept of EI. There is found to be both learning as well as manipulation issue as the better way we are able to find out in identifying varied kinds of subtle views related to human communication for example negotiation skills, non-verbal communication , listening skills, emotional intelligence etc., it will result in us becoming better communicators . Cross-cultural communication occurs when people belonging to varied kinds of culture come together and communicates with each other . Thus to make effective cross cultural communication , the organization should analyse the barriers and challenges that occur during the process of cross cultural communication .Misunderstanding is the topmost challenge in cross cultural environment followed by norms and beliefs , stereotyping and ethnocentrism. References Alexander, R., 2011. The dark side of emotional intelligence. Management Today, pp.46-50. Bruce, J.A. Ricketts, K.G., 2008. Wheres All the Teamwork Gone? A Qualitative Analysis of Cooperation between Members of Two Interdisciplinary Teams. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), pp.65-76. Conte, J.M. Dean, M.A., 2006. Can emotional intelligence be measured? Lawrence Earln=baum Associates. Eunson, B., 2015. Communicating in the 21st Century. Wiley. Fleetham, M., 2014. Pocket PAL: multiple intelligences. London: Bloomsbury. Hogan, R. Stokes, L.W., 2006. Business susceptibility to consulting fads : the case of emotional intelligence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 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